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Roleplaying: Numenera (English)

3. April, 2024 @ 18:00 22:00

This group is full. We will try to bring more english rpg dates soon!

A billion years in the future, our world is an entirely different one. Several extraterrestrial civilizations have left their mark. Now humanity has returned and is rising again.

A medieval culture must contend with abandoned technology, beings from other worlds, even rifts in other dimensions, and can only understand these relics known as Numenera as magic.

It is a time of discovery in a world full of wonders. Be a part of it.

Numenera is a fantastic role-playing game set in a world where high technology and fantasy collide and the boundaries between the two blur. A fast, lightweight and action-packed rule system allows you to experience adventures of epic proportions.

You don’t need any previous knowledge or game materials. Simply register and be in the Gilead club rooms by 6 p.m. at the latest.

Interested? Then write us:

You can find an introductory video here on YouTube: