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English RPG Session: Delta Green – Burner
22. Mai, 2024 @ 18:00 – 22:00
This group is full. We will try to bring more english rpg dates soon!
Delta Green is not about guns.
Delta Green is not about a bug hunt.
Delta Green is not about understanding.
Delta Green is about the end.
The end of everything. Your family, everyone you know, your country, all life on Earth. It’s about the end of everything and your place in it. Because you´ll end, too. That’s what the fear is about. That’s what the game is about.
It’s not about winning and it’s not about advancement and it’s not about the best weapon or the most clever plan.
Delta Green is about the end of everything – and how much of it you´ll live to see.
(from Delta Green – Agent’s Handbook)

At 2024-05-22, starting at 18:00, we are playing Delta Green.
This is an entry level session meant for people who might have their first real experience with the game here. It is also the first game for your Handler, so leniency is advised.
You don’t need any previous knowledge or game materials. Simply register and be in the Gilead club rooms by 6 p.m. at the latest.
BURNER is a bite-sized scenario where you start as normal retail workers who get exposed and cursed with the knowledge that the world doesn’t work the way we were once told…